
Bedek Habayit

  • Bedek Habayit

  • In the days of the Temple and throughout our history, the Jewish community always had a fund called "Bedek Habayit" (repair of the House). In fact, we read about it in the Haftorah read on Parshat Shekalim from the Book of Kings. This was a fund for repairs that were needed in the Holy Temple and then later in the Synagogues. If the House of Worship is to truly be G-d’s home, we need to make sure that we care for it and its repairs as if, if not more, than if it was our own home.

    If you attend services, have a child in Hebrew School, enjoy any of the many holiday programs Chabad provides please consider making a monthly contribution to the upkeep of Chabad. This fund will help cover cleaning, snow removal, landscaping and building maintenance.  

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